We try really hard not to classify certain foods or cravings as “bad” or “forbidden” with our players. Instead, we use their favourite dishes and taste profiles to inspire healthier food choices. Here are some tips you can follow at home, even without a team chef.
● Do you tend to crave a hit of something sweet after a meal or as a snack? Stock up on fruit. You don’t need to do much to in order to enjoy it. Apples and grapes are great for grab-and-go snacks. Eating a couple of dates after a meal can curb your sweet tooth.
● Do you notice you feel grumpy or lethargic in the middle of the day? Or extra lethargic after a workout? Your blood sugar is probably low. Keep some protein bars in your bag or in your desk to curb the effects. Our players might miss a free throw if they’re feeling irritated. For you, this might mean sending an important email to the wrong person.
● As a rule: the less packaging a food or ingredient has, the better it’s going to be for you.
● Sometimes cravings can point out what we’re missing. Craving crunch? Your body might be telling you it wants some veggies.
● I love to look at our team menus each week and take stock of what we’ve seen the most. If we’ve had lasagna a few times, I’ll switch to a soup. Travel is another reason to shift our flavour profiles. This could mean planning for barbecue and taco nights when we’re on the road in Texas. Keeping your own planning fresh and different is a great way to stay engaged with nutrition and satisfying eating.
● We always aim for balance in the foods we offer our players. For example, we’ll bake chicken wings (instead of frying them), and have a big green salad on the side. Your pleasure foods can still fit into otherwise well-rounded nutrition.

Looking for more health advice? Put your wellness first with Lumino Health’s Provider Search from Sun Life.